Gamer Horizon Podcast S02E04: The Peanut Gallery, Volume 1

The Gamer Horizon Podcast returns this week with Anthony helming the show once again with Ted and Ari in tow. Tensions rise as the absence of Chris and Alex are felt within the episode, in addition to Alex totally flubbing the recording of the podcast by forgetting to hit mute on his Skype, causing countless echo chambering and general awkwardness due to Anthony’s terrible Internet connection. Did the trio survive the onslaught of the awkward? Will the trio find themselves fighting each other in a steel cage match to decide who actually gets to talk for once?

All silliness aside, the team manages to talk about the new SimCity, Ni no Kuni, the newest Pinball Arcade table based on Twilight Zone, and a whole lot more. It just sucks that the person who’s typing this didn’t realize that he’d forgotten to press the damned Mute button. C’est la vie, we truck along, and here it lies, probably the most memorable episode of the podcast ever.

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0 thoughts on “Gamer Horizon Podcast S02E04: The Peanut Gallery, Volume 1

  1. Nice podcast, but I’m kind of hurt that you forgot that I was the first fan to send a mail to the Gamer Horizon, lol….Anyway, as for the discussion itself, I guess when you get older, you get more back logs of game, even I have games that never had the time to play it, maybe someday, and speaking about Moleneux, I’m still disappointed that he never went to the Gamer Horizon.


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